Saturday, February 4, 2017

Another Tweet From Our So-Called President

First, let me say I wish I could identify what follows as fiction.  That's what this blog is supposed to be about, right?  But real life intrudes.

As most if not all readers already know, a federal judge appointed by former president George W. Bush, a Republican, and confirmed by the Senate without opposition, issued an order that has temporarily blocked President Donald Trump's recent ban on entry into the U.S. by citizens of certain countries.

Or perhaps we should more accurately refer to him as "so-called President Trump."

Because here's what the president had to say about the judge's ruling:

“The opinion of this so-called judge, which essentially takes law-enforcement away from our country, is ridiculous and will be overturned!”

"So-called judge?"  Appointed by a previous Republican president, properly confirmed and having now served on a federal bench in the state of Washington for about 13 years.

So let's see: if someone doesn't happen to agree with you, he or she is illegitimate. And if the nation's judiciary contains "so-called" judges, perhaps they whole system is illegitimate.  Sound familiar?

There was that recent election, remember, in which so-called President Trump lost the popular vote by  whopping number of about 3 million, prompting him to charge that he would actually have won had somewhere between three and five million illegals not voted.  Sounds like our democracy may well is illegitimate, too.

Stay tuned. Before long, the Republican-controlled Congress will fail to go along with one of so-called President Trump's intemperate demands, and the legitimacy of that institution will be called into question as well.

Let's hope that what's to come is nothing more than a so-called apocalypse.

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